Score Metrics, your driving in detail

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We know that tests speak louder than words. If you want to test and demonstrate how well you know how to handle, you need more than your word. Have you ever wondered how to correct the mistakes you make driving?

Most likely, you don’t notice them, because they have surely become a habit or something “normal” that gives you to do “almost unintentionally.”After all, how serious can they be? Much! Remember that what we do at the wheel also affects our environment.
Do you dare to look at your journeys and discover if you make mistakes, or not? We tell you how to do it with the metrics of: DriveSmart.

What errors could I detect?

If you still do not use :DriveSmart should know that it is a free application available for iOS and Android that analyzes the way we drive. The incidents or errors that are analyzed are speed, acceleration, braking, turns and traffic anticipation.

Scoring Metrics are a new feature that includes the latest version of the application and specifies your score, efficiency, comparison with previous months or trips and much more.


Detailed Score Metrics

In the right menu, in the “My Metrics” section you will find the report of how your driving behavior has been for months. You can also check the trips of the month individually, know how many incidents you add, what your average speed; your efficiency score (Eco Score) and how many Smartcoins you have accumulated.

  • Points. At a glance you can see your overall score for the month, in what kind of environments do you drive most frequently urban or interurban. And not only that, if you click on the menu on the right or on the face of your score … You would get information from your «Score Metrics«.
  • Global/ Urban/ Interurban: At the top, under the month, there are three sections where you can click to access your score for global driving (the icon is a world), Urban (a little house) and Interurban (a tree). Selecting each of the options you can see all your metrics in detail, depending on the type of driving (of the three options) that you want to consult. Within each of them you will find:
    • Score: You will see your score and a brief summary of what that score means in the app. If you wonder if a score of 80 is very good or one of 70 is very bad here, you will find out.
    • My Month: Here you can see how many trips you have made, the distance traveled and the time you have been behind the wheel.
      You want to know more? The details, in detail
      To get to know you better, you can see your score in each of the dimensions analyzed by the app: Speed, acceleration, braking, turns and anticipation of traffic elements. Is your score good in each of them? Find out by clicking on the score icon of each one and Kevin (the coach) will tell you.
    • Daily trend: In the graph you can see how you drive, day by day. Swipe your finger horizontally to the right across the graph to see your progress in the month. Does the line go up over the days? Great, your driving is improving, day by day! That the line goes down or oscillates up and down? You already know what it means: that you should not get confused. Under the graph, you will find three new sections:
      • Minimum: The lowest score you got on the day.
      • Average: The average score of your day driving.
      • Maximum: Your highest score.
  • Speed Score, Acceleration, Braking, Turns and Traffic Anticipation. At the bottom of the screen you will see the icons of your daily score in each of the dimensions analyzed by the app. Click on each of them to see your daily evolution in each parameter. Have you improved in speed? Have you gotten worse by turning? Find out.

Score Metrics, in the :DriveSmart app

Do you want to compare trips or months?

  • You can only see the month if you made trips on it. We only show you the months in which you have used the app.
    Urban or Interurban metrics, but the global one. If a message appears in which the app tells you «We cannot find any trip or score for this period» it is because, even if you have made trips, you have not made them for the environment (Urban / Interurban) that you are consulting.

Anyway, if you have any questions remember that you can write to us, just tap “My Comments” in the right menu of the app. Now, to know, in detail, your driving habits!


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